
made with Unity

Détails technique

  • Client

    Ludum Dare 42

  • Game engine

    Unity 2017

  • Plateforms


  • Date

    August 2018

Technical details

“Relocation” is a game that was made in 2 days by a team made of 4 persons (including myself) for a game jam (Ludum Dare). The team is made of 3 developers and 1 graphic designer.

Because it’s a game jam, the game must respect the following theme: “Running out of space”.

1. About the game jam theme

In order to follow the theme, we decided that the player must a narrow place under a time constraint. In that way, the player should be careful about where to put down furniture. If the room is too messy, it might be more difficult to move around.

2. About the game

The player is a furniture remover and he must receive furniture and tidy them up inside different places.

The goal of the game is to not loose until the timer reaches zero.

Furnitures are regularly spawning inside a red area. If too many furniture is piled up in this area, the game is over. Therefore, they should be tidy up by the player as fast as possible.

The number of remaining furniture to move is displayed at the top left of the screen.

The player can grab/rotate/release an object. He can also put a small object in drawers or closets. But if an object contains other small objects, it cannot be moved.