Loki's Tale

made with Unity

Technical details

  • Client

    Ludum Dare 40

  • Game engine

    Unity 2017

  • Plateforms


  • Date

    December 2017

Project description

“Loki’s tale” is a game that was made in 2 days by a team made of 5 persons (including myself) for a game jam (Ludum Dare). The team is made of 3 developers, 1 graphic designer, 1 sound engineer.

Because it’s a game jam, the game must respect the following theme: “The more you have, the worse it is”.

1. About the game jam theme

We wanted to make a 2.5D game that the player must get rid of multiple enemies with a gun.

In order to follow the theme, we decided that the bullets fired by the player don’t disappear when they collide with something. In that way, “the more the player fires bullets, the worse the difficulty of the game becomes.

2. About the game

The player is a pirate who defend his ship against other pirates. The ship is flying in the sky instead of sailing on the sea. It makes the vibe more fantastic.

The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible against enemies.

The player can move on the horizontal axis and can jump 2 times in a row. He can get rid of the enemies using a gun.

The gun has 2 kind of munitions. The type of munition fired by the pistol is chosen randomly at the start of each enemy wave.

There is only one kind of enemy. That enemy runs toward the player and try to hit him with his hands. More and more enemies are spawn after each new enemy wave.