
made with Unity

Technical details

  • Client

    Keimyung Univ.

  • Outils

    Unity 5

  • Plateforms

    iOS / Android

  • Date

    June 2017

Project description

“Combobots” is a computer game that was made during the second semester at Keimyung University. It’s a 2D arcade. The game was developed in 2 months with a team made of 4 persons (including myself).

About the game

There are 3 modes in the game. “History” and “Arcade” modes are single player modes and “Versus” mode let the player challenging friends.

In the « History » mode, 2 chapters made of 5 levels and 1 boss battle are available. The goal of the game is to defeat enemies’ wave of all the levels.

Once the player selects a level, 4 colored buttons appear at the bottom of the screen. The player must touch the button in the good order to get rid of the enemies. The correct combination of color is displayed next to each enemy.

Enemies spawns on the top of the screen. They are moving toward the bottom of the screen, where the player’s life bar is located. When an enemy reach the life bar, he starts attacking it and the player loose life points. So, the player should avoid this situation.

When life points reach zero, the game is over.

Above the color buttons, there is another button. It triggers a special action in the game (for example: Slow down enemy’s movements or protect life points for a short time). To trigger this special button, the gauge (on the right and left of the button) must be full. The gauge fills up when an enemy is defeated.

The special action (which is also called power-up) can be changed in the menu before starting a new level. At first, all the power up are locked. The player needs to defeat boss enemies in the “History” mode to unlock them. Each Boss unlock a new power-up. Once it is unlocked, it can be upgraded using coins.

Coins are gathered when an enemy is destroyed in “History” or “Arcade” mode.

In the “Arcade” mode, the gameplay remains the same, but the goal is different. The player has one life point and he must survive as long as possible. A second and optional goal is to get the highest score.

Enemies spawn endlessly until the player loose. The more time passes, the more difficult it gets.

The “Versus” mode let you challenge your friends using the same phone screen. The screen is split into 2. There are 4 colored button and a life point indicator on each side.

A combination of colors appears int the middle of the screen. The 2 players have to press the buttons according to the combination. The slowest player loose 1 life point. The game end when one of the players reach zero life points.